Dr. Vera Petrovna Butkouskaya


Student Projects

HomeStudent Projects (Page 6)

Using social media as a millennial is the most normal thing you can do.

Most of us post daily. Be it on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, the three most used social media platforms by millennials.

We share different life experiences, from travel pictures on Facebook to a simple Insta Story about our days spent in the library studying. But as it happens with everything, tendencies exist.

And tendencies are what, in the end, we as users follow.

You've probably heard how paramount blogging is to the success of your marketing. Without it, your SEO will tank, you'll have nothing to promote in social media, you'll have no clout with your leads and customers, and you'll have fewer pages to put that valuable calls-to-action that generate inbound leads. Need I say more? Your blog is probably one of your company’s most valuable marketing tools. You use it to build trust with your customers, generate leads, educate consumers, and build brand awareness. So, if a reader tells you your blog’s content quality is poor, that comment will probably make you cringe just a little. First, a disclaimer – the entire process of writing a blog post

Viral videos are a very effective type of content that gives visibility to a movement or a cause. As Internet users we know several viral videos. But there is no exact formula to create a viral video. This type of content becomes viral once it is published because it has a very attractive component that attracts the attention of users and creates in them the will to see and repudiate them.

The main types of content are the following: content to entertain, educate, inspire or convince, depending on the stage of the funnel your buyer personas are at. Your aim is to provide content for your audience that is exactly right for them at a specific moment in their buyer’s journey – not catering one of these purposes will result in you missing out on potential needs of your audience, which would otherwise have added value to them and helped you build a relationship with them.