Dr. Vera Petrovna Butkouskaya



HomeStudent ProjectsStudents-generated contentHow to Make a great Infographic in a few steps / Students-generated content

How to Make a great Infographic in a few steps / Students-generated content

Infographic is a combination of synthetic, explanatory and easy to understand images and texts, in order to communicate information in a visual way to facilitate its transmission.

In addition to the illustrations, we can help the reader more through graphics that can be understood and interpreted instantaneously.

If you want to make an infographic that engages, summarize, and inform, but you have the design skills of a child, this guide is for you.

One of our favourite tools to create infographics or images, in general, is Canva, check this video and give it a chance 😉

Set the infographic goals:

 Before you begin to think about design, layout, charts, or aesthetics, you need to think about the infographics goals.

First, you need to define the problem that your target has in their lives and that your infographic is going to solve.

On the second step, you need to follow the question pyramid


The more detailed article of setting goals for your infographic: https://venngage.com/blog/how-to-make-an-infographic-in-5-steps/

Collect data to help your answers:

You’ll need to collect some data to help you answer the questions formulated in the first step.

Have you your own data? Great!

But if not, don’t worry. You can find data generated by public administrations or agencies. Spain, for example, has INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica).

Other sites for your search are:

  • The Government’s Open Data
  • Statista: Market research
  • Interviews
  • Pew Research: Public opinion, research on demographics
  • Google Scholar: Academic publications

Here you can check a very interesting webinar made by some professionals talking about how to collect data for your infographics.

Visualize your data in the infographic:

How present this data visually?

Now we going to develop the ICCORE method. We choose the best charts for your data.

ICCORE method:

  • Inform
  • Compare
  • Change
  • Organize
  • Reveal relationships
  • Explore

You can watch more examples of infographics here: http://www.ofifacil.com/ofifacil-infografias-que-es-definicion-como-se-hacen.php

Inform: Make a numerical stat stand out with large, bold, colourful text.

Highlight a percentage or rate with a donut chart or a pictograph.

Demand extra attention by pairing icons with the text.

We should make that the reader understand quickly, in a simple way the information that we want to show.


If you want to compare between different values or parts of a whole. You can use for example bar chart or bubble clouds to show independent values.


If you want to show trends you can use line chart or area chart. Use a timeline to show discrete events in time or use a choropleth map to show spatial data.

Organize: When we want to show the data or information in order. The order of important things. It is easier to remember for the client. You can use a list, table, flowchart, mind map infographics.

Reveal relationships: Use a chart of several series when you want to compare multiple sets of related data. You can use it in the form of a cloud or bars.

 Explore: Let the reader discover ideas for himself, to understand quickly and synthesized all the information that he wants to know.

Used articles (resources):

Content is generated by students: Carlos González – Oscar Moral – David Gassó – Pol Garriga – Joshua Montalvo