Dr. Vera Petrovna Butkouskaya



Web Development

When developing a web application, the company has several choices:

  1. personalised solution — developing a tool individually for the specific task
  2. existing solution — using the tool previously developed
  3. hybrid solution — a mix of existing and personalised tools

A personalised solution will be created individually for the use of a specific business.

  • Advantages: unique and suitable for individual tasks.
  • Disadvantage: require more time to be developed and is more expensive.

While the existing solution has been previously developed.

  • Advantages: demo version to see the final results, faster, cheaper.
  • Disadvantages: limitations for personalisation, limitations of functionality.

A hybrid solution is a mix of personalised web development and ready solutions.

  • Advantages: save on time and money, avoid risks at the initial business development stage, and possibly improve in the future.
  • Disadvantages: any extra changes require extra investments, and some solutions may not be possible.

Examples of demo website designs, 

An opportunity to manage a website without external developed help:

Example of the existing solution in the real-life:
